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Download ARO 2012 - Advanced Registry Optimizer 8.0 - Latest Version


ARO is an advanced repair and optimization utility designed to help improve and maintain computers running the Windows operating system (both 32- and 64-bit). ARO focuses on finding errors that hide out in the Windows registry, identifying PC and web browser clutter that may be hindering PC performance and ensuring computers have adequate security solutions installed and up to date. With its advanced scanning engine, ARO provides deep scanning capabilities to identify and repair registry errors. ARO also searches for and removes "junk" files that accumulate over time and can put a damper on PC performance.

ARO categories scans into 3 main areas: Registry, Junk and Security. The registry scan analyzes 13 areas of the Windows registry for errors and indentifies possible registry tweaks that can help improve PC performance. The junk scan checks ten areas of the PC for clutter, freeing up disk space by identifying and removing extraneous files that can clutter and slow down a system. It also scans and removes junk accumulated from web browsers. The baseline security scan confirms a user has up-to-date security software including antivirus, antispyware, firewall and now also checks the Windows operating system update process to confirm it is properly configured.

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