GMABooster 2.1a تحسين كارت الشاشة والالعاب
تحميل GMABooster 2.1a
البرنامج الاول والوحيد لتحسين اداء كروت جرافيكس انتل باضافة اكثر من 2.4x من قوة المعالجة لكارت الجرافيكس الخاص بك.البرنامج هام جدا لهواة الالعاب والبرامج شديدة الاستخدام لكروت الجرافيكس مثل جوجل ايرث وبرامج عرض الفيديو. the world's first and only perfomance boost solution for Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator series (currently supported chipsets: GMA 950 (mobile Intel® 945 family) and GMA 900 (mobile Intel® 915 family)). Performance boost solution for Intel Graphics Media Accelerator series. Offering up to an astonishing 2.4x of extra processing power for your computer's integrated graphics engine, the GMABooster is a must-have tool for every user interested in advanced 3D gaming, truly flawless Windows Vista and Mac OS X experience, smoother operation of Google Earth, improved video playback, and performance gain in a variety of professional applications! GMABooster is a free ("donateware") program, available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. You can endlessly use it without charge: just download a new weekly build once the previous weekly build has expired. However, if You like GMABooster and use it often, You are welcome to make a voluntary donation. Supported chipsets: Intel 945GM/GME/GMS/GSE and 943/940GML/GU Express featuring GMA 950. Supported devices: Asus EEE PC family, MSI Wind family, netbooks/nettops by Acer, Dell, HP, LG, Samsung and more. (Not every device may be supported; please check Your specific device's technical specs for a compatible chipset). Supported operating systems: Windows XP 32 bit, Vista 32 bit, Windows 7 beta 32 bit. Prerequisite for Windows XP operation: Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher. GMABooster 2.1a أحدث إصدار ![]()
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تحميل GMABooster 2.1a
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