XBMC Media Center 12.2 ميديا سنتر لتشغيل جميع ملفات الملتيميديا
تحميل XBMC Media Center 12.2
برنامج الميديا سنتر المجانى والمفتوح المصدر والحاصل على الجوائز العديدة.يعمل البرنامج كمشغل ملفات ملتيميديا لجهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك ويدعم كم كبير من اجهزة الريموت كنترول.يتميز البرنامج بواجهة مستخدم جميلة وسهلة الاستخدام كما انه يدعم تشغيل الفيديو والصوتيات والصور ويحتوى على نظام ادارة جيد لتجميع وعرض كل ملفاتك. XBMC is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media player and entertainment hub for digital media. XBMC is available for Linux, OSX, and Windows. Created in 2003 by a group of like minded programmers, XBMC is a non-profit project run and developed by volunteers located around the world. More than 50 software developers have contributed to XBMC, and 100-plus translators have worked to expand its reach, making it available in more than 30 languages. While XBMC functions very well as a standard media player application for your computer, it has been designed to be the perfect companion for your HTPC. Supporting an almost endless range of remote controls, and combined with its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, XBMC feels very natural to use from the couch and is the ideal solution for your home theater. Media Management XBMC supports viewing and playing a vast library of audio, video and image formats. XBMC has a sophisticated library management system that allows you to organize all your media to give you quick and immediate access. Fluid Interface XBMC provides a user friendly interface that's intuitive, very flexible, and easy to use. The interface is completely customizable through user-created or downloadable skins. Plug-ins and Extensibility XBMC has a built-in Python interpreter that allows users and developers to write their own scripts and plugins that run inside XBMC using it's own widgets and controls. It also has a built-in web server that allows it to be controlled remotely. Visualisations XBMC's audio player supports many visualisations including ProjectM and Goom. In addition, it allows easy development of visualisations using a simple API. XBMC Media Center 12.2 أحدث إصدار ![]()
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