internet explorer 8 rc1 beta متصفح الانترنت اكسبلورر 8 الاصدار الاخير
تحميل Internet Explorer 8 Rc1
انترنت اكسبلورر 8 فى اخر اصداراته من مايكروسوفت والمزود بنظام الحماية الذكى ضد البرامج الضارة والفيروسات وبرامج التجسس بالاضافة الى خاصية التصفح الخاص لحماية خصوصيتك اثناء التصفح.البرنامج مزود بمسرع جديد لضمان سرعة سرعة البرنامج والعديد من المميزات الاخرى. Internet Explorer 8 may not be the latest flavor available on the market for this browser, but it is still very much in use especially by those still running Windows Vista. From the user interface perspective, you'll love it if you're used to a more crowded environment (which is totally different from the minimalist attitude of Firefox or Chrome). Keep in mind that you can organize and customize basically everything, so you get a lot of freedom in operating it. When installing IE 8, you are prompted to configure all sorts of options and settings, while the custom settings include a default search provider, search provides updates, accelerators, SmartScreen filter, and compatibility settings. The SmartScreen Filter will protect you against malicious activity, such as viruses and spyware, and it has been upgraded since IE 7. Also related to security is the InPrivate Browsing mode, which allows users to protect their privacy by making sure no cookies or other traces are left behind after web browsing. Accelerators are a new feature in Internet Explorer 8 and they are meant to grant you speed. They let you easily access various web services once you have found a page of interest, thus reducing the need to open several webpages to find specific information. Internet Explorer 8 also features Web Slices, and this option literally lets you visualize parts of information from a particular area, without having to open a new tab and navigate away from the current page. Internet Explorer 8 Rc1 أحدث إصدار ![]()
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تحميل Internet Explorer 8 Rc1
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