تحميل BitDefender 2012
اذا كنت تريد ان تضمن حماية بياناتك الشخصية بينما تتصفح الانترنت،او عند ادخال اجهزة خارجية للكمبيوتر الخاص بك اذا فانت بحاجة الى واحد من افضل برامج الحماية العالمية وهو بت دفندر.البرنامج يحتوى على باقة متكاملة سوف تقوم بحجب التهديدات الخارجية من اختراق جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك من فيروسات وبرامج تجسس وتروجان وهجمات سرقة هوية المستخدم.كما انه يحتوى على خاصية تشفير الملفات وامكانية انشاء نسخ احتياطية اونلاين وادوات تحسين وزيادة سرعة اداء نظام التشغيل.تم خفض الاستهلاك من المعالج بخلاف النسخ السابقة.
If you want to ensure the protection of your personal information while you're surfing the internet, or inserting unknown external devices into your computer, then you'll need one of the most powerful antivirus tools on the market.
Amongst the leaders in this field is BitDefender.
BitDefender Total Security will block any malicious threats that attempt to hack your computer system, including viruses, spyware, Trojans, phishing, and identity attacks.
The features of BitDefender Total Security include a file encryption system, online backups, and tools that will help your system optimize its speed.
The user interface is more appealing than BitDefender has usually shown us, as well as very user-friendly.
In the main menu you can see the current status of your protection level, and you can select the events, settings, antivirus, firewall, antispam, update, parental, privacy, safebox, tune-up, network map, and safego features.
Antivirus scanning options consist of a quick scan, full system scan, custom scan, vulnerability scan, and rescue mode. All of these commands are pretty self-explanatory. The rule is simple: the deeper the scan is, the more time it will require to finish.
During our tests, BitDefender Total Security has successfully manage to detect, diagnose and remove threats found on our computers.
CPU usage is considerably used, so older systems may experience issues running this BitDefender version.
We didn't manage to find any errors during our quick overview on BitDefender Total Security, but bugs may still occur from time to time (depending on your computer and operating system).
BitDefender 2012 أحدث إصدار