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Maxthon 4.4.5 Cloud Browser full متصفح الإنترنت الرائع ماكسون المفضل للكثيرين، جربه الآن

تحميل Maxthon 4.4.5
المتصفح الرائع والقوى مع واجهة مستخدمة شديدة التخصيص.بنى المتصفح على محرك انترنت اكسبلورر مما يعنى ان كل ما يعمل على انترنت اكسبلورر سيعمل بطريقة افضل على هذا المتصفح.ومن خصائص البرنامج:فتح أكثر من صفحة في نافذة واحدة،اظهار رقم الأيبي وحجم تصفح الموقع بالبايتس،امكانية البحث مباشرة في كل محركات البحث عن كل شيء { صور - موسيقى - كتب ...إلخ }،ترجمة المواقع،امكانية التراجع عن إغلاق آخر صفحة،تحسبن خاصية صد البوب أب ( صفحات الأعلانات ) والتي أصبحت فعالة بشكل كبير،خاصية تنظيف الجهاز من مخلفات التصفح ( الكوكيز وغيرها ).
بالاضافة الى:
ملأ الخانات { الاسم - العنوان - الايميل ) والتي تطلبها بعض المواقع اوتوماتيكيا"
التحسن الملحوظ في السرعة والتي أصبحت توازي سرعة اوبرا وفايرفوكس.
برنامج flash save المدمج معه والذي يمكنك من حفظ أي فلاش بضغطة زر واحدة.

A free IE based browser that uses very little resources with less plug-insMaxthon Browser is a powerful tabbed browser built for all users. Besides basic browsing functionality, Maxthon Browser provides a rich set of features to improve your surfing experience. Maxthon Standard is a web browser that helps you navigate over the internet.

Here are some key features of "Maxthon Standard":
Tabbed Browsing Interface:· Maxthon Browser's powerful tabbed interface will give you the best browsing experience without taking your taskbar space away. All the web pages are arranged inside Maxthon Browser's main window. Multiple web pages are indicated by tabs for easy navigation.
Mouse Gestures:· Command your browser just with your mouse! Mouse Gestures are another revolutionary invention among the browsers. With 'Mouse Gestures' enabled, you can use your mouse to command Maxthon easily. And Some people say that it feels like playing KongFu with their mouse.
Super Drag&Drop:· Maxthon Browser introduces another revolutionary technology to speed up your browsing - the 'Super Drag&Drop'. With 'Super Drag&Drop' enabled, you can open new links by simply dragging and dropping the link on the page. You can also drag&drop to search selected words with the default search engine or open a link in new tab or save the selected content when CTRL is held down.
Favorites Bar:· Maxthon Browser provides a customizable favorites Bar for better access to your "Links" or favorites from other folders. You can open all favorites inside a folder. You also have the option to set favorites as "Most Favorites" in the favorites side bar and open them when Maxthon Browser starts. Even more options are available from the right click menu.
Ad Hunter:· Popup ads, Flash ads, Floating ads, Image ads... Get enough with all these annoying ads? Here is the solution: AD Hunter. AD Hunter consists of several neat functions to block all kind of ads. You can use the "Auto Filter" to block popup ads or setup a "Filter List" for more accurate and customized blocking.
IE Extension Support:· Can the Google Bar and other IE Toolbar be installed and used in third party browsers besides IE? Even Google will tell you NO, but we can say YES. In fact, not only the Google Bar is supported. Maxthon Browser can also support a lot of other IE plugins and toolbars like FlashGet Bar, etc.
External Utility Bar:· With Maxthon Browser, you don't have to start other programs by switching away. Just add them to the Utility Bar and launch them by a single click. You could even set them to start and shut down with Maxthon Browser automatically.
Privacy Protection:· We care about your privacy. With Maxthon Browser, you can erase all your browsing information easily and even automatically. You can clear your private information such as the browsing history, cookies, cache...etc with a single click. Further more, you can even setup Maxthon Browser to clear all your browsing information automatically when it closes.
Skins:· Maxthon Browser supports flexible skins to change the look of the browser window. With skins you can change the icons, colors and backgrounds of Maxthon Browser. If you want, you can also disable them to enable Windows native skinning. There are already 300+ skins created for Maxthon Browser and more are coming. Be sure to visit the Skins site to find out how beautiful Maxthon Browser could be.
Plugins:· You can further enhance the functionalities of Maxthon Browser with plugins. Besides the IE plugins, Maxthon Browser supports its own even more powerful sidebar and toolbar plugins. There are already 400+ plugins created for Maxthon Browser and more are coming. Be sure to visit the Plugins site to add even more features to Maxthon Browser.
Compatibility & Low on Resources:· Maxthon Browser has full IE compatibility which means you will still have all you have in IE. Maxthon Browser uses very few resources, resulting in an average of 65% less RAM usage compares to IE when having the same large number of pages open.

Maxthon 4.4.5 أحدث إصدار
بيانات تحميل البرنامج
تحميل Maxthon 4.4.5
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