Wise Folder Hider 2.02 المميز لاخفاء الملفات والمجلدات وحمايتها بكلمة مرور على الكمبيوتر والفلاشات
تحميل Wise Folder Hider 2.02
برنامج مجانى لاخفاء اى ملف او فولدر على الهارد او الفلاش ميمورى وكروت الذاكرة.الملفات المخفية لا يمكن الوصول اليها باستخدام اى برامج اخرى او نظام تشغيل اخر حتى نظام الدوس.الطريقة الوحيدة للوصول الى الملفات عن طريق كتابة باسوورد البرنامج التى قمت باعداداها.يمكن اخفاء اى ملف بسهولة،فقط اختر اخفاء من قائمة الاختيارات عند الضغط على زر الماوس الايمن. Wise Folder Hider is a free file/folder hiding tool. You can use it to hide files and folders on local partitions or removable devices.The data can't be accessed by other programs or on other operating systems such as DOS. The only way to access or unhide these data is to enter the valid password. However, this application is designed for home use only but not recommended for commercial settings which require more strict security measures. Features Free of ChargeWise Folder Hider is another freeware from wisecleaner.com. All users are free to use it, update it and get basic technical supports.Easy to Hide DataBy several simple clicks, you can hide your private and sensitive data.(such as confidential documents, photos, videos)Double Password ProtectionFor safety’s sake, there is a double password protection mechanism in Wise Folder Hider. A primary password to log in it, and a secondary password to hide and unhide the data.Support Drag and DropYou can simply drag and drop an object file/folder into Wise Folder Hider. This feature is avaliable in Win8/7/Vista OS(only when UAC is disabled) and XP OS.Support Right-ClickYou can hide files/folders by right-click without opening Wise Folder Hider. You will be able to access/unhide these files or folders when you log in WFH.Support USB Drive (except external hard disk)Compared to other tools, Wise Folder Hider can hide the whole directory of a removable drive. Of course, it also can hide files or folders from a removable drive as other tools. Wise Folder Hider 2.02 أحدث إصدار ![]()
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تحميل Wise Folder Hider 2.02
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