Moborobo توصيل هاتف اندرويد بالكمبيوتر
تحميل Moborobo
برنامج رائع لادارة اجهزة اندرويد بسهولة باستخدام حاسبك الشخصى.يمكنك انشاء نسخة احتياطية او استعادة جهات الاتصال والرسائل والتطبيقات او ارسال واستقبال رسائل من خلال جهاز الكمبيوتر وتغيير الخلفيات والثيمات ونقل الملفات بين اى جهاز اندرويد وحاسبك الشخصى. Moborobo allows you to manage your Android device from your PC with ease. You can backup/restore contacts, SMS and Apps; send/receive SMS from PC; download Apps, wallpapers & themes; sync multi-media files between Android device & PC. More over, you can transfer contact data from Android to iPhone, and vice versa. Wallpaper & theme downloads: a wide range of downloadable wallpapers and the choice to install "Mobo Launcher", a unique Android home desktop replacement application. It enables you to add themes to your launcher, customize your icons, dock, as well as scrolling and transition effects, to create and customize a phone with your own unique designs in mind. Multi-media file sync and file manager: Sync music, videos and images between your device and PC with complete transparency by using the file manager tag. More advanced features, such as editing music playlists, setting ringtones, changing wallpaper, and editing images can be found in the "Tune" and "Image" tag. Send and receive messages from your PC: With Moborobo you can send, receive and organize your SMS messages from your PC. It also enables you to send group messages, as well as back-up those important and interesting conversations. Moborobo أحدث إصدار ![]()
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تحميل Moborobo
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