BitComet 1.36 لسرعة تحميل تصل الى 10 اضعاف
تحميل BitComet 1.36
برنامج التحميل بتقنية التورنت فى اخر اصداراته لتحميل قوى وسريع.يمكن للبرنامج مضاعفة سرعة التحميل من 5 الى 10 اضعاف ومن مميزات البرنامج:مجانى تمام وسهل الاستخدام وبدون اى برامج تجسس،السرعة والاستقرار واستهلاك قليل جدا من قدرة المعالج،التحميل المتعدد وامكانية اختيار ملفات من التورنت وتحديد اولوية التحميل،التحكم الذكى فى رفع الملفات للوصول الى اقصى سرعة تحميل. BitComet is a BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP download management software, which is powerful, fast, very easy-to-use, and completely FREE. The advanced features it contains can accelerate your downloading speed up to 5 - 10 times faster, or even more.Features: Clean and free, without any adware or spyware.Completely new core written in C++, stable and fast, very low CPU usage.Multiple simultaneous downloads, ability to select download files in one torrent and set file priority.Ability to limit the upload speed as well as download speed.Intelligent Connection Optimize, Auto Optimization for different connections, runs well using all default settings.Intelligent Rate Control, optimize the upload distribution in order to get the max download rate.Intelligent Disk Cache, decrease the potential damage to the hard disk when high-speed downloading (>500KB/s) by decrease the read / write frequency, extra memory usage is the cost.Intelligent Disk Allocating, no long-time disk allocation, also decrease the disk fragment to almost zero.Intelligent Hash Scan, no time-consuming scanning when seeding / resume.Firewall and NAT Traversal, users behind differect NAT can now connect to each other. BitComet 1.36 أحدث إصدار ![]()
بيانات تحميل البرنامج
تحميل BitComet 1.36
32 bit version
64 bit version
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