Power Data Recovery Free Edition 6.6 استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة
تحميل Power Data Recovery Free Edition 6.6
برنامج سهل الاستخدام ومجانى لاسترجاع الملفات المحذوفة.بعكس برامج استعادة الملفات الاخرى يتميز البرنامج بالسهولة التامة فقط اتبع التعليمات وستحصل على ملفاتك ولكنه يتميز بالاحترافية والقوة ايضا حيث انه يتعامل مع الدرايفات المفقودة او التالفة او التى تم ازالتها.كما انه يمكنه استرجاع الملفات من السى دى او الدى فى دى التالف.كما انه يحتوى على اداة لاسترجاع ملفات الملتيميديا من صور وصوت وفيديو من كروت الذاكرة والكاميرات. MiniTool Power Data Recovery is an easy-to-use and all in one free file recovery software for home users. With this most effective free file recovery tool, you do not need to have technical background to use it. All the data recovery steps are logical and easy like 1-2-3. Just follow the data recovery step, and you will get your lost data back. Unlike other free file recovery software. MiniTool Power Data Recovery is very powerful and professional. Power Data Recovery Free can also cope with lost or damaged partitions, though. So if you've accidentally deleted or formatted a partition, or Windows simply doesn't recognise it any more, that's not a problem: the program will scan the drive anyway and recover any files that might remain. Maybe you've lost data on a backup CD or DVD which has been scratched, or accidentally formatted? The program also understands the ISO9600, Joliet and UDF formats and will do its best to recover as much data as possible. And there's also a Digital Media Recovery module which focuses on recovering audio, photo and video files from memory cards, MP3 players, digital cameras and more. Other tools can do similar things, but again Power Data Recovery Free's attention to detail is impressive. It doesn't just scan for JPG images, for instance: the program also understands and can recover 10 common RAW image formats from manufacturers like Canon, Kodak, Nikon, Pentax and Sony. Power Data Recovery Free Edition 6.6 أحدث إصدار ![]()
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