Auslogics Internet Optimizer 2.0.6 تسريع الانترنت والتحميل
تحميل Auslogics Internet Optimizer 2.0.6
لزيادة سرعة التحميل والتصفح وتحسين اداء الانترنت عامة.يقوم البرنامج بتعديل اعدادات المتصفح ونوع اتصالك بالانترنت ليتوافق مع جهازك ونظام التشغيل المستخدم مما يساعد على زيادة سرعة الانترنت واستخدام كاميرا الويب والتحميل والتصفح. Auslogics Internet Optimizer is the tool that can do just that and speed up your Internet, so that you will be getting the maximum speed provided by your plan. With its help you can optimize various settings like Max MTU and RWIN specifically for the type of Internet connection you use and configure your browser settings for better online experience.Auslogics Internet Optimizer is part of Auslogics BoostSpeed – an award-winning PC optimization suite that will help you speed up, tweak, and protect your computer. Windows is the most widely used operating system in the world. Just like everything mass-produced, it has the one-size-fit-all approach, even though we all have different hardware, use different browsers, and different Internet connection types – from dial-up to 4G mobile broadband. That’s why it’s so important to configure Windows and browser settings to match your hardware configuration and Internet connection. Auslogics Internet Optimizer 2.0.6 أحدث إصدار ![]()
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تحميل Auslogics Internet Optimizer 2.0.6
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