3D Driving School 2012 Ver 5.1 Learn Driving Cars الرائع لتعليم قيادة السيارات والموتوسيكلات بالفيديو والمحاكاة
تحميل 3D Driving School - Learn Driving Cars 5.1
برنامج مميز لتعلم قيادة السيارات وكأنك تقود السيارة بشكل حقيقى ، البرنامج يشبه العاب السيارات لكنه يمتاز عنها بالطبع فى أنه يعلمك الإشارات على الطرق ومعانيها وكيفية إستخدام إمكانات السيارة والقطة المختلفة التى تستخدمها فى قيادتها ، كذلك ينوهك عند أى خطأ ويغضب !! يعلمك البرنامج كيفية التعامل مع إشارات المرور والقيادة فى الطرق المختلفة حتى يقربك من القيادة فى المدينة بشكل واقعى ،، البرنامج مميز بحق وحاز إعجاب الملايين من مستخدميه You want to make your driver's license? Perhaps you have already "secretly" dashed around with the car from father/mother/brother/sister/friend. Always in the circle, mostly only in the first or second gear. Have you learned to park? Now except that you don't immediately stall the engine in the first driving lesson. The rest is of no use for you. Because you learn the purely manual or technical control of a vehicle relatively quickly. Something else is coping with the daily traffic. Do you drive circumspectly? Are your reactions good? Do you know about the extensive set of rules? Driving a car is primarily routine. In which the finicky ones survive. But as these attain routine and safety, if one may not drive at all yet? Or every practical driving lesson with the driving instructor costs a heap of money? Have you therefore bought this program for yourself? A wise decision! Because you can rush at the traffic turmoil completely relaxed here. And, if you cause a damage to the car, our virtual insurance assumes the full liability. To make getting in easier, we have written this manual. Have fun with studying! 3D Driving School - Learn Driving Cars 5.1 أحدث إصدار ![]()
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