smart ntfs recovery 4.1 portable لإستعادة الملفات المحذوفة
تحميل Smart Ntfs Recovery Portable 4.1
يساعدك البرنامج على استرجاع البيانات المفقودة او المحذوفة وهو يقدم دعم كامل لدرايفات NTFS والمستندات من نوع TXT, DOC and XLS.ستلاحظ من الوهلة الاولى لتشغيل البرنامج بساطة التصميم والتى تجعل من استخدام البرنامج عملية سهلة للجميع،فقط قم باختيار الدرايف المراد استرجاع الملفات منه ونظام الفحص العادى او الممتد واضغط على كلمة ايجاد او Find وانتظر النتائج.يمكن للبرنامج البحث المخصص عن ملفات المستندات او الصور او الصوت او الفيديو والملفات المضغوطة ايضا.عملية البحث واظهار النتائج لا تستغرق اكثر من دقيقة ويحتوى ايضا على اداة لازالة الملفات نهائيا بطريقة غير قابلة للاستعادة. Smart NTFS Recovery is a data recovery application that supports the NTFS file system and multiple document formats, including TXT, DOC and XLS. The first thing you shall notice after launching the program for the first time is the overall simplicity that makes it fairly easy to use and configure. While many recovery solutions actually adopt a more complicated approach in order to provide the best possible results, Smart NTFS Recovery remains friendly and offers users an intuitive interface with just a few options. The main window is the one prompting you to choose the drive to scan, the mode, which can be either normal or extended, and the file or mask to find. Afterwards, it’s enough to press the “Find” button and wait. Smart NTFS Recovery can search your disks for text documents, MS Word and Excel documents, JPG and GIF photos, MP3 and WMA audio files, AVI clips or ZIP and RAR archives. The scanning process doesn’t take more than a minute, which is actually a sign that Smart NTFS Recovery doesn’t manage to detect all files that can be recovered. The next window however shows you the recoverable data, along with information such as filename, date, time, size and recoverability. Besides the obvious “Restore” tool, Smart NTFS Recovery also comprises a wiping utility that allows users to securely delete files and block recovery tools from getting back the data. This particular feature works exclusively on Windows XP, so you cannot access it on Vista or 7. All in all, Smart NTFS Recovery is a handy piece of software, but the fact that it doesn’t support FAT drives is a major drawback. It doesn’t offer a preview window for the recoverable files and doesn’t detect all data that can be recovered. Smart Ntfs Recovery Portable 4.1 أحدث إصدار ![]()
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تحميل Smart Ntfs Recovery Portable 4.1
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